The Spokane Therapeutic Courts Foundation was formed in 2012 in an effort to give those battling drug addiction and mental-health challenges the opportunity to enter into a court supervised treatment program. Currently, there are 83 therapeutic courts throughout Washington State. These include the Adult Drug Court, Juvenile Drug Court, Family Treatment Courts, Mental Health Courts, DUI and/or DV Courts, and the Veterans Courts. These various courts are located in multiple counties across Washington State. A list and description of these courts can be found here.

Drug Courts and Mental Health Courts are designed to help people facing criminal charges and battling addiction and mental health issues. Those who are eligible and enter into these court programs are subject to judicially supervised community based treatment. A team of court staff and health professionals work together in order to develop a proper treatment plan for each participant, including their supervision in the community.

The purpose of the DUI Courts is to reduce repeat DUI offenses by focusing on the root causes of impaired driving. Whether someone is facing drug addiction, alcohol addiction or a combination of both, the DUI Courts provide a collaborative and resource-based court environment in an effort to protect public safety from repeat offenses.

The Veterans Courts utilize veteran mentors to help veterans accused of a crime engage in treatment and counseling in order to meet the unique needs of those who have served in the military. Further, these courts will partner with local Veteran Affairs offices in order to ensure participants in the program receive the benefits they have earned through their service to our country.

The various Therapeutic Courts provide a person accused of a crime and who presents with particular needs or dependency issues the chance to participate in a specialized program designed to meet their unique needs. Many of these courts have restrictions on the types of defenses that can be argued once someone enters into the therapeutic court. This is why it’s important to consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney about your case as soon as possible.