Auto accidents involving vehicles striking pedestrians and cyclists often cause severe injuries. Crisp fall weather in the Inland Northwest means plenty of folks are still enjoying an after dinner stroll or an evening bike ride with children. As the sun sets a little earlier each night it gets a little more difficult for drivers to see pedestrians. There is a shared responsibility to protect each other’s safety whether you’re driving, walking or biking in low light conditions.

One important way to avoid becoming a victim of a pedestrian versus motor vehicle accident is to walk on the left side of the roadway. Of course, the best option is to walk on a sidewalk, but many roadways around Spokane don’t have sidewalks. If you’re walking on a roadway without a sidewalk, then walking on the left side allows you to face oncoming traffic, to see approaching vehicles and, if necessary, scoot out of the way. When you’re walking on the right side of the roadway vehicles approach from behind you and you’re relying on the driver seeing you. This can put pedestrians at risk of terrible injuries or worse.

The National Safety Council has plenty of other tips for keeping yourself safe as a pedestrian. Some of these are common sense, but reminders are always helpful. Stay alert and avoid using your cell phone, which pulls your attention away from your surroundings. Headphones keep you from hearing approaching vehicles or other dangers like inattentive drivers or aggressive dogs, so pedestrians should avoid headphones, too. Wear bright colors and reflective clothing and carry a flashlight if you’ll be out before sunrise or after sunset. We all share a responsibility for protecting each other.

If you or a loved one have been seriously injured in any type of motor vehicle accident, then you should contact Cooney Law Offices today. We can help!